Command Reference

Complete guide to all RIP Bot commands and their usage

Important Command Format

All commands must be sent in the format /command_RIPBot.

For example, use /start_RIPBot to begin configuration.

When the bot asks for input: You must reply directly to the bot's message for your input to be recognized.

Command Overview

RIP Bot uses a set of intuitive commands to configure and control scheduled messages in your Telegram group topics. Most commands are restricted to group administrators to prevent misuse.

How to Respond to Bot Prompts

When the bot asks you for input (like setting a message or interval), you must reply directly to the bot's message for your input to be recognized.

To reply to a message in Telegram:

  1. Long-press (mobile) or right-click (desktop) on the bot's message
  2. Select "Reply" from the menu that appears
  3. Type your response and send it

If you just type in the chat without replying to the bot's prompt, your message won't be registered as input.

Command Description Who Can Use
/start_RIPBot Configure the bot for the current topic Admins only
/status_RIPBot Check current topic settings and status Admins only
/topics_RIPBot List all configured topics in this group Admins only
/clear_topics_RIPBot Clear all topic settings in this group Admins only
/reset_RIPBot Reset the bot for this group only Admins only
/admin_RIPBot Register as admin if you're a group admin Group admins
/variables_RIPBot Show available message variables Anyone
/help_RIPBot Show help information Anyone
/stats_RIPBot Show bot usage statistics Admins only

Detailed Command Reference


Description: Initiates the configuration process for the current topic. This command displays an interactive menu for setting up scheduled messages.

Usage: Type this command in any topic where you want to set up scheduled messages.

Options: The interactive menu includes buttons for:

  • Setting the message text - reply directly to the bot's prompt with your message
  • Setting the interval (in minutes) - reply directly to the bot's prompt with a number
  • Starting/stopping the scheduled messages
  • Previewing the configured message
  • Hiding the menu

Restriction: Admin-only command

Note: This command only works within topics, not in the main group chat.


Description: Shows the current settings and status for the topic where the command is used.

Usage: Type this command in any topic to check its configuration.

Information Displayed:

  • Topic ID
  • Current scheduled message text
  • Interval setting
  • Active status (whether messages are currently being sent)
  • Last message sent timestamp

Restriction: Admin-only command


Description: Displays a paginated list of all configured topics in the group.

Usage: Type this command in any chat or topic within the group.

Information Displayed:

  • Topic ID and name
  • Status (active or inactive)
  • Interval setting
  • Last sent timestamp
  • Next scheduled time

Restriction: Admin-only command


Description: Clears all topic configurations in the current group. This stops all scheduled messages and removes all settings.

Usage: Type this command in any chat or topic within the group.

Warning: This action requires confirmation and cannot be undone. All topic settings will be permanently deleted.

Restriction: Admin-only command


Description: Performs a complete reset of the bot for the current group only. This stops all scheduled messages, clears all settings, and removes all message history.

Usage: Use this command to resolve any issues with the bot in your group without affecting other groups.

Warning: This action requires confirmation and cannot be undone. All group-specific data will be permanently deleted.

Restriction: Admin-only command


Description: Registers the current user as a bot admin if they are a Telegram group administrator.

Usage: Useful when a new group admin wants to use bot commands without waiting for the bot to detect their admin status automatically.

Restriction: Must be a Telegram group administrator


Description: Shows a list of all available message variables that can be used in scheduled messages.

Usage: Type this command to see which variables you can include in your messages for dynamic content.

Variables Available:

  • {date} - Current date (e.g., 2025-03-08)
  • {time} - Current time (e.g., 14:30)
  • {datetime} - Date and time (e.g., 2025-03-08 14:30)
  • {day} or {weekday} - Day of week (e.g., Saturday)
  • {month} - Month name (e.g., March)
  • {year} - Current year (e.g., 2025)

Restriction: None - anyone can use this command


Description: Displays general help information about the bot and its commands.

Usage: Type this command when you need assistance with using the bot.

Restriction: None - anyone can use this command


Description: Shows usage statistics for the bot in the current group.

Usage: Type this command to see how the bot is being used in your group.

Information Displayed:

  • Total configured topics
  • Active topics
  • Message success rate
  • System uptime
  • Other performance metrics

Restriction: Admin-only command

Interactive Menu Guide

After using the /start_RIPBot command, you'll see an interactive menu with several options:

Button Function
✏️ Set Message Define the text that will be repeatedly posted. Can include variables like {date}, {time}, etc. Remember to reply directly to the bot's prompt.
⏱️ Set Interval Set how often the message should be posted (in minutes). Minimum 1 minute. Remember to reply directly to the bot's prompt with only a number.
👁️ Preview See what your message will look like with variables replaced by current values.
▶️ Start Messages Begin the scheduled posting (appears if messages are currently stopped).
🛑 Stop Messages Pause the scheduled posting (appears if messages are currently active).
🔍 Hide Menu Close the configuration menu. Can be reopened with /start_RIPBot.
❌ Quit Exit the configuration process without saving changes made during the current session.

How to Properly Respond to Bot Prompts

Important Input Instructions

When the bot asks for input (like when setting a message or interval), you must reply directly to the bot's message for your input to be recognized.

✍️ Type the message you want to schedule:

Current message: No message set.
Welcome to our group! Today is {day}, {date}. Please remember to follow the rules.

To reply to a message in Telegram:

  1. Long-press (mobile) or right-click (desktop) on the bot's message
  2. Select "Reply" from the menu that appears
  3. Type your response
  4. Send the message

If you just type in the chat without replying to the bot's prompt, your message won't be registered as input for the bot, and the configuration will not progress.

Message Variables Reference

Make your scheduled messages dynamic by including these variables:

Variable What It Shows Example
{date} Current date 2025-03-08
{time} Current time 14:30
{datetime} Date and time 2025-03-08 14:30
{day} or {weekday} Day of week Saturday
{month} Month name March
{year} Current year 2025

Example Message with Variables

Message template: "Today is {day}, {date}. Daily reminder sent at {time}."

What users see: "Today is Saturday, 2025-03-08. Daily reminder sent at 14:30."

View Setup Guide